Modern AppSec via Reachability Analysis

Breaking the Boundaries of Traditional SAST and SCA Security Scanners.

Replace Your Legacy SAST/SCA with confidence!


Backslash coexists with your legacy solution

Connect your crown-jewel applications to Backslash to get a 10X reduction in real vulnerabilities.

Your AppSec team will love it

Backslash replaces your legacy solution

Enjoy the accuracy of Backslash across all your applications. Experience enhanced security and efficiency.

Dev will love their new focus

Backslash advances your AppSec capabilities

SBOM and VEX, Open Source Licensing Policy, Secrets Detection, Malicious Packages, LLM and Package Visibility

Dev will love the retention reduction

Cut the noise, Amplify Your Security.

Go beyond basic SCA and SAST with advanced reachability analysis, phantom package detection, and powerful remediation capabilities. Built for modern environments, Backslash deep visibility shows how every element in your application is interconnected, allowing us to untangle the knots and help you regain control of your AppSec.

Replace your SAST/SCA

Number of SAST/SCA Alerts Generated by Backslash vs. Competitive Solutions

Competitor #1


Competitor #2

Reachable SAST
Reachable SCA

Superior Software Security

Backslash Security was built specifically for today’s complex, multi-layered environments. Our solution cuts through the noise, providing the clarity enterprises need to navigate this modern maze and focus on the real risks impacting your application.

Beyond Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

  • Prioritization via deep reachability
  • Clear Visual Maps
  • Phantom Package Detection
  • Fix Simulation
  • VEX and SBOM
How it works

Beyond Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

  • Prioritize via Reachability Analysis and data flow context
  • Out-of-the-Box Policies
  • Tailor Made Campaigns
  • AI-Powered Remediation
How it works


Shifting left is challenging—developers aren’t security experts. Backslash helps you adopt a modern shift-left approach allowing developers to focus on closing the loop and delivering high-quality code.

  • CI/CD Pipelines: Secure from the start and catch vulnerabilities early.
  • PR Reviews: Automate security checks and ensure code quality before merging.


Empower your security teams and developers with precise, context-aware remediation guidance

  • Backslash's Fix Simulation allows teams to simulate multiple fix options.
  • AI-powered remediation advice tailored to your development language.

Secrets and more

In addition to top-tier SCA and SAST, Backslash offers valuable insights for comprehensive application security coverage:

  • Improve visibility
  • Identify hidden secrets in your code
  • Maintain compliance with VEX and SBOM
  • Receive recommendations for remediation

"As a CISO, gaining visibility into our team applications and vulnerabilities has been a game-changer. Backslash has empowered me with a comprehensive understanding of the risks our company faces, allowing me to prioritize and guide our development teams effectively. Backslash has become a strategic asset to ensure the robust security posture of our organization.  I couldn't be more satisfied with the results it has delivered."

Philippe Bourdon, CIO Mastech Digital

"I love the insights and visibility Backslash provides, especially their user interface and experience. It's not only simple and user-friendly but also provides top-notch visibility. This aligns perfectly with my needs; it enables me to get a clear and swift understanding of my application's risks."

Deputy CISO of a Fortune 10 company

"Backslash visual approach to AppSec has made it easier for our team to understand and implement security measures, reducing our risk of breaches and improving overall security posture."

Liran Zelkha, CTO & Co-Founder
Lili logo

"Backslash is merging appsec and cloud security to eliminate the need for manual correlations between code weaknesses and deployment posture. This streamlines the process for the AppSec team and improves overall efficiency."

Kunal Bhattacharya, Security Leader
SentinelOne logo

"Developers need an accurate way to efficiently identify and fix code issues in their workflows, without being overwhelmed by alerts"

Melinda Marks, Senior Analyst

"We used to be overwhelmed on a daily basis by the amount of alerts we would get. For the first time we have a solution that actually finds real risks. This way our developers can fix the most important issues without wasting their time chasing useless vulnerabilities."

Ori Assaraf, VP R&D

“There are two core elements that make AppSec teams successful – one is cutting through the noise to prioritize truly reachable and exploitable vulnerabilities; the other is building confidence with our developers to trust that the risks we flag are real, and worth their effort to investigate and fix,Backslash’s focus on reachability analysis enables us to achieve both, and with the platform’s expanded capabilities, we can also work seamlessly with DevOps to integrate security throughout the software development lifecycle."

Shane Garoutte, Head of Security & Compliance
Capital Rx logo

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