Backslash App Graph introduces a disruptive approach to application security by creating a "digital twin" of your application. At its core is Backslash's proprietary Cyberinformatics Compiler, which digests application code and transforms it into an interconnected App Graph.
Backslash App Graph supports traditional AppSec use cases like SCA and SAST and "shift left" integration. However, App Graph also delivers new and novel use cases by exploring the graph with LLM technology. For example, App Graph distinguishes between vulnerabilities that are merely reachable and those that are genuinely triggerable (exploitable). Additionally, App Graph organizes security findings based on business processes and enables simulations of the business and security impacts of package upgrades—without the need to apply patches and re-scan the application.
Shifting left is challenging—developers aren’t security experts. Backslash helps you adopt a modern shift-left approach allowing developers to focus on closing the loop and delivering high-quality code.
Empower your security teams and developers with precise, context-aware remediation guidance
In addition to top-tier SCA and SAST, Backslash offers valuable insights for comprehensive application security coverage:
Connect your crown-jewel applications to Backslash to get a 10X reduction in real vulnerabilities.
Enjoy the accuracy of Backslash across all your applications. Experience enhanced security and efficiency.
SBOM and VEX, Open Source Licensing Policy, Secrets Detection, Malicious Packages, LLM and Package Visibility
Go beyond basic SCA and SAST with advanced reachability analysis, phantom package detection, and powerful remediation capabilities. Built for modern environments, Backslash deep visibility shows how every element in your application is interconnected, allowing us to untangle the knots and help you regain control of your AppSec.
Replace your SAST/SCA