Backslash vs.
Orchestration solutions

Let’s explore and compare Orchestrations or Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC)  tools with the distinctive features of Backslash.


The core function of Orchestration tools lies in aggregating data from various application security tools and solutions. Its broad integration and correlation capabilities help provide a quick overview of the AppSec landscape. They generally offer out-of-the-box integration with open-source security tools, which is beneficial but also has its limitations. However, relying solely on ASOC and its native open-source integrations poses challenges:

  • Open-source tools, can't effectively reduce and prioritize risks.
  • Orchestration tools are not made to meet compliance requirements.
  • The need to integrate with additional tools makes the orchestration route more expensive.
  • Collecting data from many tools isn’t solving the problem of having a high rate of false positives and inaccurate data.
  • Correlating data from different tools often provides only a shallow level of insights, focusing solely on correlating the severities from the source tools.


Let’s see a detailed comparison of the differences between Backslash and Orchestration solutions:
and Dev Collaboration
ASOC (Application Security Orchestration and Correlation)
Integration Simple, quick, and easy integration with the Git repository enables the provision of a complete security posture. Integrates out of the box with open-source software, providing broad but shallow and noisy results. Additionally, integration with commercial tools requires a significant amount of work.
Implementation Ease 30 minute implementation providing results within minutes. Implementation requires many integration, making the implementation phase long and difficult
Precision and Depth Emphasizes a meticulous and targeted strategy, offering in-depth security analysis and precise prioritization for effective risk mitigation. Provides high-level results but lack the depth required for intricate security contexts and risk mitigation
Built-in Reachability Analysis Offers reachability analysis out of the box for superior prioritization. Necessitate additional tools and costs for deeper insights.
Vulnerability Prioritization Offers precise prioritization for vulnerabilities based on reachability analysis, coupled with advanced features like EPSS, VEX and SBOM. Prioritization is dependent on open source tools, lacking deep application context and leaving high numbers of vulnerabilities and false-positives
Appsec and Dev collaboration Gives Appsec visibility while still enabling collaboration by providing deep context for developers. Built for visibility only, missing deep context for dev teams.
Cost-Efficiency Bundles SAST, SCA and secrets in one solution, providing comprehensive coverage for reduce cost. Involve additional costs for integrating multiple tools to achieve a better AppSec strategy.
Accountability and support on results Offers clear accountability and detailed results, facilitating efficient issue resolution. Lacks inherent accountability for results, and issues may require collaboration with integrated tools, potentially leading to delays


Simple, quick, and easy integration with the Git repository enables the provision of a complete security posture.

Implementation Ease

30 minute implementation providing results within minutes.

Precision and Depth

Emphasizes a meticulous and targeted strategy, offering in-depth security analysis and precise prioritization for effective risk mitigation.

Built-in Reachability Analysis

Offers reachability analysis out of the box for superior prioritization.

Vulnerability Prioritization

Offers precise prioritization for vulnerabilities based on reachability analysis, coupled with advanced features like EPSS, VEX and SBOM.

Appsec and Dev collaboration

Gives Appsec visibility while still enabling collaboration by providing deep context for developers.


Bundles SAST, SCA and secrets in one solution, providing comprehensive coverage for reduce cost.

Accountability and support on results

Offers clear accountability and detailed results, facilitating efficient issue resolution.

ASOC (Application Security Orchestration and Correlation)


Integrates out of the box with open-source software, providing broad but shallow and noisy results. Additionally, integration with commercial tools requires a significant amount of work.

Implementation Ease

Implementation requires many integration, making the implementation phase long and difficult

Precision and Depth

Provides high-level results but lack the depth required for intricate security contexts and risk mitigation

Built-in Reachability Analysis

Necessitate additional tools and costs for deeper insights.

Vulnerability Prioritization

Prioritization is dependent on open source tools, lacking deep application context and leaving high numbers of vulnerabilities and false-positives.

Appsec and Dev collaboration

Built for visibility only, missing deep context for dev teams.


Involve additional costs for integrating multiple tools to achieve a better AppSec strategy.

Accountability and support on results

Lacks inherent accountability for results, and issues may require collaboration with integrated tools, potentially leading to delays.

Orchestration tools are only as good as the tools they work with, meaning they aren't standalone solutions. Backslash takes a focused and detailed approach to application security. Prioritizing precision, Backslash places emphasis on depth, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the complexities inherent in potential security threats. This approach makes Backslash a great choice for organizations looking to get a clear visibility on your environment risk posture and prioritize accordingly.

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