Target the vulnerabilities that matter the most.

Backslash SAST is engineered with security at its core. By prioritizing SAST vulnerabilities reachable from the internet, we eliminate noise and detect potential network exposure.

Noise Reduction and Security

Security First image

Security first

Backslash helps teams focus on security by eliminating noise and highlighting vulnerabilities with actual internet exposure. By analyzing source-to-sink flows within the application context, it prioritizes exploitable code vulnerabilities, ensuring teams address the most critical risks first.
Reduce Issues icon

Reduce Issues by 1:100

The analysis of source-to-sink flows in the application code, combined with the application architecture context, allows Backslash to prioritize exploitable code vulnerabilities effectively. This enables security teams to focus on what matters.

Automation, Shift-Left and Supply Chain

Automation policies

Triggers notifications and creates tickets to the right teams to automate AppSec work, keep the right people informed and integrate to your existing workflows.

Security Policies & Query

Get full customizability with Backslash Policies and queries. Use or tweak our out-of the box policies for package vulnerabilities, malicious package and license issues.

AI Remediation

Leverage AI for precise guidance on code vulnerability remediation without compromising privacy. Backslash provides contextual, AI-driven advice using metadata from our scans, such as technology stacks and frameworks, all without sharing any actual code.

Top CWEs and OWASP Top 10

Backslash covers the top CWE vulnerabilities and includes coverage for the OWASP Top 10. Results are linked to the Backslash CWE Database for comprehensive tracking and analysis.

Shift Left, Right

Integrate Backslash SAST into your CI/CD pipelines and PR reviews, fostering a proactive approach to security, right from the earliest stages of development.



Integrations for code

Integrations for collaboration systems

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