Transform your AppSec strategy with Backslash’s revolutionary App Graph, a digital twin inspired by breakthroughs in medicine, engineering and architecture.
App Graph maps your application’s structure, prioritizes vulnerabilities by risk, and categorizes findings by the business processes they impact.
"As a CISO, gaining visibility into our team applications and vulnerabilities has been a game-changer. Backslash has empowered me with a comprehensive understanding of the risks our company faces, allowing me to prioritize and guide our development teams effectively. Backslash has become a strategic asset to ensure the robust security posture of our organization. I couldn't be more satisfied with the results it has delivered."
"I love the insights and visibility Backslash provides, especially their user interface and experience. It's not only simple and user-friendly but also provides top-notch visibility. This aligns perfectly with my needs; it enables me to get a clear and swift understanding of my application's risks."
"Backslash visual approach to AppSec has made it easier for our team to understand and implement security measures, reducing our risk of breaches and improving overall security posture."
"Backslash is merging appsec and cloud security to eliminate the need for manual correlations between code weaknesses and deployment posture. This streamlines the process for the AppSec team and improves overall efficiency."
"Developers need an accurate way to efficiently identify and fix code issues in their workflows, without being overwhelmed by alerts"
"We used to be overwhelmed on a daily basis by the amount of alerts we would get. For the first time we have a solution that actually finds real risks. This way our developers can fix the most important issues without wasting their time chasing useless vulnerabilities."
“There are two core elements that make AppSec teams successful – one is cutting through the noise to prioritize truly reachable and exploitable vulnerabilities; the other is building confidence with our developers to trust that the risks we flag are real, and worth their effort to investigate and fix,Backslash’s focus on reachability analysis enables us to achieve both, and with the platform’s expanded capabilities, we can also work seamlessly with DevOps to integrate security throughout the software development lifecycle."