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Triggerable Vulnerabilities: The Star Trek "Triggles" of AppSec

Eric Gold


January 15, 2025

Eric Gold

January 15, 2025

In the vast universe of application security (AppSec), vulnerabilities come in all shapes and sizes. Some are benign, others are outright threats, and then there are the ones we call triggerable vulnerabilities—or, to borrow a more playful analogy, Triggles. If you’re a fan of Star Trek, you’ll remember the infamous The Trouble with Tribbles episode. 

These fuzzy little creatures, Tribbles, seemed harmless at first, but their ability to multiply rapidly turned them into a major headache for the Enterprise crew. Similarly, Triggles—those vulnerabilities that are both reachable and triggerable (exploitable)—are the ones that can multiply their impact and overwhelm your defenses if left unchecked.

What Are Triggles?

Triggles are vulnerabilities that are more than just “present” in your application—they’re active threats. Like Tribbles breaking free of their containment, Triggles are vulnerabilities that attackers can reach through your application’s control flow and exploit through external input. Not all vulnerabilities are Triggles. Many are harmless artifacts of static code, unreachable in your runtime environment. These dormant vulnerabilities might as well be Tribbles sealed in a secure containment unit—harmless, unseen, and incapable of causing damage.

Triggles, however, are a different story. These vulnerabilities are reachable (the code path connects to them) and triggerable (conditions exist for them to be exploited). They’re the fuzzballs running loose in your application’s engine room, disrupting critical systems. And just like Tribbles on the Enterprise, Triggles in your code are the ones you need to eliminate before they multiply and overwhelm your defenses.

Why Triggles Are a Bigger Problem Than Other Vulnerabilities

Most AppSec tools don’t differentiate between Triggles and benign vulnerabilities. They churn out massive lists based on static patterns, flagging everything from unreachable functions to unused dependencies. These tools (like Snyk, Checkmarx, and Veracode) essentially treat all vulnerabilities as Triggles, overwhelming your security team with noise and making it impossible to focus on the real threats. But here’s the thing: not all vulnerabilities are Triggles.

Imagine an unused dependency in your application that contains a high CVSS vulnerability. It might look scary on a list, but if that code is never invoked, it’s as harmless as a Tribble locked in a cage. Triggles, on the other hand, are the vulnerabilities with real-world impact—those that attackers can exploit through your application’s data and control flows. Focusing on Triggles allows you to ignore the noise and concentrate on what truly matters.

How the App Graph Identifies Triggles

This is where Backslash and the App Graph come in. The App Graph is like a Starfleet-grade scanner for your code. Instead of blindly listing vulnerabilities, it creates a detailed map of your application’s data flows, control flows, and dependencies. It identifies which vulnerabilities are reachable and determines if they are triggerable—turning a sea of potential issues into a focused set of actionable Triggles.

For example, the App Graph can highlight a Triggle in your payment system that attackers could exploit to access sensitive customer data. At the same time, it can show that a high-severity vulnerability in another part of your code is unreachable and irrelevant. This precision makes it easy for your team to prioritize the Triggles while safely ignoring the rest.

The Trouble with Triggles

Just like the Tribbles on Star Trek, Triggles can cause chaos if they’re ignored. Captain Kirk’s crew underestimated the Tribbles at first, treating them as a curiosity rather than a threat. By the time they realized the problem, the Tribbles had multiplied exponentially, taking over key systems and disrupting operations. In AppSec, ignoring Triggles has a similar effect. What starts as a small, overlooked issue can quickly escalate into a full-blown security breach when attackers exploit reachable and triggerable vulnerabilities.

Taming Your Triggles with Backslash

At Backslash, we believe in taming your Triggles before they take over your application. By focusing on reachable and triggerable vulnerabilities, we cut through the noise and help you prioritize the real threats. Our App Graph acts like your very own Tribble containment system, ensuring that Triggles are identified, analyzed, and eliminated before they have a chance to disrupt your mission-critical systems.

Lessons from the Enterprise

The Trouble with Tribbles wasn’t just a comedic episode—it was a cautionary tale. Small, seemingly harmless issues can snowball into major problems if left unchecked. In AppSec, Triggles are your Tribbles. The faster you identify and prioritize them, the faster you can secure your application and keep your systems running smoothly.

So, the next time your security tools overwhelm you with a list of vulnerabilities, ask yourself: Which of these are Triggles? Focus on the ones that are reachable, triggerable (exploitable), and critical to your system. Because in AppSec, as in space exploration, ignoring your Triggles is a recipe for trouble.

Ready to tame your Triggles? Let Backslash help you boldly go where no AppSec team has gone before. 🚀